The overarching objective of the RESEMBID Programme is to strengthen sustainable human development across the Overseas Countries and Territories of the Caribbean. This overall objective is pursued through three strategic entry points, as signified below. The Programme will consider applications for financing projects that are in line at least with one of these specific objectives:
- Resilience: to increase resilience to extreme and recurrent natural events;
- Sustainable Energy: to increase energy efficiency of infrastructure with high impact on energy consumption; and
- Marine Biodiversity: to improve protection and sustainable management of marine biodiversity.

We provide funding in the form of grants, usually awarded following a call for submission of proposals. Our approach to grants is flexible and demand-driven, emphasizing a bottom-up approach. Initiatives should be anchored in demonstrable priorities and needs of the OCT. To this end, RESEMBID offers two funding windows:
Funding Window 1
The COVID-19 Resilience Response Facility
The COVID-19 Resilience Response Facility, designed to respond to resilience needs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We apply a two-step approach, involving first a concept note and then, if approved, a fully-developed project document. The process of development of projects is conducted in a highly collaborative tripartite consultation with the national RESEMBID Focal Point, the applicant/stakeholders, and the RESEMBID Programme Manager. Once the application has been deemed eligible, the RESEMBID Project Review and Approval Committee (PRAC) conducts substantive review according to pre-established and transparent criteria. Proposals that have been successfully reviewed are subsequently cleared by the Regional Authorising Officer (RAO) on behalf of the OCTs, the European Union Delegation and Expertise France. As soon as the RAO approves the project document on behalf of the OCT, the parties proceed to signature of the grant contract.
The Programme’s regular funding window
The Programme’s regular funding window is managed through a traditional Call-for-Proposal, launched at May 2021. Legal entities meeting the requirements of the specific call can apply for funding. Proposed actions must take place in and be beneficial for one or more of the 12 OCTs. Furthermore, RESEMBID – a Programme funded in the framework of the EU’s European Development Fund (EDF) – works hand in hand with national governments, who are the Programme’s official counterpart. Accordingly, proposed projects must be formally endorsed by the national RESEMBID counterpart (the designated “RESEMBID Focal Point”).
The total allocated budget for financial support of OCTs projects is EUR 25,670,000 – representing more than 60% of the overall RESEMBID Programme budget. Expertise France as contracting authority, and in particular the RESEMBID team, are responsible for the entire award procedure, from the publishing of calls for proposal to the award decisions, signing of the grant contracts, and monitoring their implementation.
Publicising of the grant award
Please find the list of grants awarded which is updated on a rolling basis.
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